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Want to get a hold of the members of Self Denied?

Seeing as that we are people just like you, we would like to meet and talk to everyone.
Being a "big-named" band (yeah right) might cause a few people to become stalkers so with that being said we are not going to give out all of our personal infomation such as our underware size, kind of toothpaste, and address and stuff like that....(even though Joe wears superman and batman underwear!) but we all do have email and ICQ so find us on there.

Joe Reed's icq name is "konk". email is ballomatic@hotmail.com

Matt Fowler's icq name is "village idiot". email is foreversingle@bachelorboy.com

Steven Watkins's icq name is "iluvjesus". email is stevenwatkins@yourlover.net

Josh Smith's icq name is "mr_honky". email is mr_honky82@hotmail.com

so go find us and talk to us...we won't bite your head off unless you like rap!

We Love Girls
Joe is gay
Omaha, NY


